Friday, October 5, 2012

Beachbody helped me get 1st

The past year or two, I began doing duathlons.  I have been in a total of 10 races.  I have done well in these races, however, I wanted to start winning and competing at a higher level.  That is when I started using Beachbody products.

I began using Insanity!  What an awesome workout!  It improved my cardio and endurance immensely.  I started running 5ks and would not even be tired after them like I used to be.  I decided to sign up for a duathlon that was coming up in about 3 weeks.  I still had a month to go of Insanity, however, I felt I was well prepared for the race.  My goal was not only to compete in the race, but it was to win my age division.

3 weeks flew by as I continued my Insanity workout!  It was race time!  I had to run 5k, cycle 15 miles, and finish with a 5k.  There was a total of 100 participants and 15 in my age group!  I started out strong with the first 5k averaging a 6:20 mile pace.  Running was my strong suite and that's what I knew I had to take advantage of.  I then went onto cycling and did average.  I was in 5 place out of 100 after cycling.  I wasn't sure if I was leading my age division or not going into the last 5k. I finished the last 5k with a pace of 7:15.

 I wasn't positive on where I finished.  I knew I had to be somewhere at the top!  I waited for the results and I placed 1st in my age group and 4 overall.  I was very happy with my performance and knew that I could not have done it without Insanity.

Friday, September 14, 2012

P90x/Insanity Hybrid

If you though P90x and Insanity were hard enough alone, then you should try a hybrid between the two!

I recently have just completed Insanity and was getting ready to start P90x.  However, I knew that I still wanted to do Insanity for the cardio.  I looked on Team Beachbody and the had a Hybrid between Insanity and P90x.

It is my 20th day of the hybrid workout and I love it.  I am able to do all of the stength training with P90x and do the cardio with Insanity!  Its also nice because it is not the same boring stuff everyday.  Its always something NEW!

So if you have both Insanity and P90x and still looking to get results, try a Hybrid between the two!  Do it, IT WORKS!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Asylum Workout

Are you a high school, college, professional, or an athlete who is interested on taking their game to the next level?  Then Insanity Asylum is for you! 

Insanity Asylum is a 30-day program that builds
  •  speed
  •  coordination
  • agility
  • power
 Shaun T preps you to WIN with sports-specific training inspired by pro athletes. The result? Game day becomes your day to excel.

Gold Medalist, Hope Solo, uses Asylum as her training workout. She has nothing but good things to say about Asylum! 

Currently Insanity Asylum 2 is in the making.  So once you complete Insanity Asylum, Asylum 2 will be waiting for you!

I can help you order Asylum today at
Become a better Athlete Today!

Become a Beachbody Coach

Are you currently using the Beachbody products like
  • Insanity
  • P90x
  • P90x2
  • Turbo Fire
  • Turbo Jam
  • Body Gospel
Have you been having amazing success with the products?

Would you like to earn a few extra dollars by helping others have success like you are having?


I am currently a Beachbody Coach and I love it!  Its easy, fun, and plus you are helping people by changing their lifestyles! 

The main reason I joined to become a Beachbody coach was to help people by getting results and live a happy and healthier life.  I was not in it for the money.  (However, the extra money is nice to have!)

As a coach you get
  • 25% off all Beachbody products and programs
  • 2 own personnel websites
  • help others life a healthier life
  • make extra $$$
If your interested in becoming a coach, check out this video!
You can join and become a coach today at 

You and I would be a team together helping individuals change their life one at a time!  Just got to the Coach tab and click on it! It should walk you threw it!  If you have any questions, I am here for you!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Insane Results

Insanity, P90x, Insanity: Asylum, P90x, and Turbo Fire are all BA workouts!  People have had so much success with these workouts it's insane!

Here are some success stories people have had with these workouts!



Turbo Fire

I can help begin your success story today!  Ask me how, I would love to help!  Also check out my success story at Make a change for the good TODAY!!!

Workout Everyday

Hi everyone!  I'm new to blogging!  So far I love it!  I'm a fitness freak and I love to workout!

REBLOG if you love fitness and if you have worked out today! Have a good day everyone and happy working out!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Life Fitness

This quote explains me to a T!  Once I started working out and getting results I became addicted!  It is the best addiction I could ever ask for!