Friday, October 5, 2012

Beachbody helped me get 1st

The past year or two, I began doing duathlons.  I have been in a total of 10 races.  I have done well in these races, however, I wanted to start winning and competing at a higher level.  That is when I started using Beachbody products.

I began using Insanity!  What an awesome workout!  It improved my cardio and endurance immensely.  I started running 5ks and would not even be tired after them like I used to be.  I decided to sign up for a duathlon that was coming up in about 3 weeks.  I still had a month to go of Insanity, however, I felt I was well prepared for the race.  My goal was not only to compete in the race, but it was to win my age division.

3 weeks flew by as I continued my Insanity workout!  It was race time!  I had to run 5k, cycle 15 miles, and finish with a 5k.  There was a total of 100 participants and 15 in my age group!  I started out strong with the first 5k averaging a 6:20 mile pace.  Running was my strong suite and that's what I knew I had to take advantage of.  I then went onto cycling and did average.  I was in 5 place out of 100 after cycling.  I wasn't sure if I was leading my age division or not going into the last 5k. I finished the last 5k with a pace of 7:15.

 I wasn't positive on where I finished.  I knew I had to be somewhere at the top!  I waited for the results and I placed 1st in my age group and 4 overall.  I was very happy with my performance and knew that I could not have done it without Insanity.